Saturday, December 1, 2007

Red Cross President Mark Everson Ousted - Business Ethics Speaker Chuck Gallagher Discusses

As a frequent speaker on business ethics, I state often - Every Choice Has A Consequence. Whether those choices relate to a large enterprise, like Enron, one of the nations leading charities, The Red Cross, or just your personal life, it is clear daily that my statement to audiences nationwide is true.

Every Choice Has A Consequence!

Former commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, Mark Everson took on the job of running the Red Cross on May 29th 2007. The charity had been the target of much criticism following it's response to Katrina. Having had now five leaders in the past six years, the charity struggles to regain its focus and public image.

According to many news stories, on Tuesday, November 27th the board of governors for the Red Cross accepted Mr. Everson's resignation after it was reported that Everson was having a "personal relationship" with an employee of the Red Cross - one of Everson's subordinates.
Several news sources are linked here:,8599,1688266,00.html

The following comments are reported from an AP news story:

"The board acted quickly after learning that Mr. Everson engaged in a personal relationship with a subordinate employee," a statement said. "It concluded that the situation reflected poor judgment on Mr. Everson's part and diminished his ability to lead the organization in the future."

"I am resigning for personal and family reasons, and deeply regret it is impossible for me to continue a job so recently undertaken," he said. "I leave with extraordinary admiration for the American Red Cross."

Not only do choices and the consequences that follow have a direct personal impact, but they clearly impact those who are closest to you. As a man with children, his family well also be the unintended beneficiaries of Everson's actions. The pain that othes experience as a result of one's personal actions, are often the hardest to bear.

Having made choices in my past that had unexpected and unintended consequences, I understand the emotions behind the experience of the consequence. Perhaps, Mr. Everson will have time to evaluate his actions and other may come to understand that ethics in business or in one's personal life are critical if we wish to achieve positive results.

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